
Archivo para enero, 2014

Madrid. Comparativa de Colegios. Ciclos de 2 años

martes, 28 de enero de 2014

 Escuela Infantil Dina

Dirección: c/  CLEMENTE FERNANDEZ,  33   28011  MADRID
91 463 36 47
Horario: 7:00 a 6:00
Precio:  9:00 a 5:00 – Cuota de 8 horas (2014) : 226 €
Comedor Comida: 140 €
Merienda completa: 50€Media mañana: Leche con Gallera
Comida: a las 12
Tentempié por la tarde:
Guardería  1 febrero plazo de matriculación.
Bilingüismo  A partir de la clase de 1 año, tienen algo de inglés.
Canciones y vocabulario.

Franciscana. Colegio San José.

Dirección: Calle Moreno Nieto, 1 · 28005 Madrid · Tfno: 913 667 203
Horario: De Lunes a Viernes, de 9:00 a 16:00h.Servicio opcional de permanencia:

  • de 8:00 a 9:00h de la mañana.
  • de 16:00 a 17:00h de la tarde.
Guardería A partir de los 2 añosJornada de puertas abiertas:Preinscripción: en febrero.
Bilingüismo Sólo 1º, 2º, 3º de PrimariaScience, music, arts&crafts & english.


Concepcionistas de Argüelles

C/ Princesa, 19. 28.008 Madrid
Ttfno: 91 542 49 01  – Fax: 91 559 83 13.
Horario 8:45 a 16:45No hay horario extendido.
Precio Curso 2013 – Ciclo 2 años: 395 guardería
Comedor 101,81 €Reserva 165 euros. A fondo perdido.
Guardería Primer ciclo (unidad de 2 años)Segundo ciclo (3, 4 y 5 años)¿Política de cambios de pañal?
Bilingüismo Sólo programa BEDA.
Otros Uniforme chandal.1 punto de baremación más. Concertado a partir de los 3 años, hasta 4 de secundaria.Podemos solicitar un cheque guardería.


Franciscanas de la calle Grandeza Española

Concertado: Primaria y Secundaria.

Bilingüe de 1º a 4º de primaria

Dirección: Colegio Nuestra Señora del Sagrado Corazón

Colegio Concertado Bilingüe
C/Grandeza Española, 89
28011 Madrid
Tlf: 914639400

No hay ciclo de 2 años.Visitas: Una tarde a principios de febrero.


Manualidades: dibujar en papel tu mano en 3D

sábado, 25 de enero de 2014

Tutorial para dibujar tu propia mano en 3D con elementos de casa:

This is something I want to try, when my kids get older:


Jersey perretes 2 años

viernes, 10 de enero de 2014

Dos Agujas del número cuatro y medio

  • Ancho del jersey: 32 centímetros
  • Ancho entre sisas 30 centímetros.
  • Largo de manga: 27 centímetros

3 botones en el cuello para facilitar su puesta.

This is the last jumper we’ve made for Margaret. It’s been made with 2 knitting needles size 4.5.

  • Lower Width : 32 cm
  • Width between sleeves: 30cm
  • Sleeve Lenght: 27 cm
  • 3 buttons in the neck







costura, niños

Costura: Cómo ajustar una remalladora

viernes, 10 de enero de 2014

Compré hace un año una remalladora. Hace un año que la tengo en la caja, por no ser capaz de usarla. Ha llegado el momento.

Mi problema es básico:

  • Los hilos se rompen
  • Las costuras no quedan planas.

He conseguido ajustar la tensión en la remalladora , gracias a un tutorial en ehow.

  1. Poner hilos de distinto color en los conos.
  2. Ajustar todas las tensiones al número 5.
  3. Ajustar los hilos de remallado (los dos del final).
    1. Si el hilo superior tira alrededor de la parte trasera de la tela, aflojamos el superior (-1) y apretamos el inferior (+1). Prueba.
    2. Si el hilo infrerior tira alrededor de la parte trasera de la tela, aflojamos el inferior (-1) y apretamos el superior (+1). Prueba.
    3. La costura debe ser plana, y estos dos hilos deben encontrarse en el lateral de la tela.


Estas son las pensiones para tres hilos Gutterman y uno de esos malos que se compran en una tienda de todo a 1 euro.



Hilos de drimma 2 tienda todo a 1 euro

costura, Decoración , , , , , , , , , ,

Proyectos de casa: cortinas sencillas y con poca tela

viernes, 10 de enero de 2014

Hemos hecho unas cortinas a partir de los retales que teníamos disponibles en casa.

Os pongo el detalle de la tela y el detalle de la parte de arriba.

Fijaos en las anillas se tiene en cada una de ellas un botón distinto. Esto le da un toque especial a nuestra cortina.


Al ser un retal no teníamos de la suficiente para hacer muchas tablas. Por ello hemos optado por hacer un único tablón central.

Cada anilla tiene un ancho de 5 centímetros y una longitud de 17 centímetros. La banda marrón, tiene una altura de 7 cm.


La cortina está sin planchar, por problemas logísticos.

costura, Decoración , , , , , ,

Protegiendo nuestra casa para un bebé de 13 meses

martes, 7 de enero de 2014


    • Bloqueo en armario frente a fregadero:  Safety 1st Decor Cabinet Slide Lock – 3 Pack. Comprado en toys r us


                               Os pongo una foto del primero que compramos. Lo compramos en prenatal pero no era útil. A nosotros también nos impedía abrir el armario.


Cómo se puede ver no ajusta perfectamente.

Los mandos están demasiado juntos. No hemos encontrado otro que funcione mejor.



  • Bloqueo en armario bajo lavabo: Safety 1st Decor Cabinet Slide Lock – 3 Pack. Comprado en toys r us
  • Bloqueo de taza de water: Amazon Safety 1st Cover Clamp Toilet Lock


Video tutorial para poner una funda nórdica enrollando

martes, 7 de enero de 2014

Lo he probado hoy en casa, con mi funda de cama de 150, y ha funcionado. ¡Hasta ahora siempre he tenido que pedir ayuda!

Pasos a tener en cuenta

  1. Estirar del revés la funda nórdica. Es decir, con lo de dentro, afuera.
  2. Estirar encima el relleno
  3. Enrollar.
  4. Desenrollar de forma conjunta relleno con uno de los lados de la funda.
  5. Voila!


Composición de fundas nórdicas que sí hacen bolas.

Funda nórdica Alcampo.

  • Composición:50% algodón y 50% poliéster
  • Resultado: Ha hecho bolas.


Si os molestan tanto las bolas como a mí, enviadme en forma de comentarios las composiciones de tejidos qué han hecho bolas. ¡Y por supuesto las composiciones de los que no!

Decoración , , , , , , ,

Confección de ropa de niños

domingo, 5 de enero de 2014

Me encanta coger ideas para hacer luego yo misma. Nunca las hago 100% igual, porque, para eso, compro directamente el vestido y acabamos mucho antes.

Sin embargo, sí me gusta ver cómo son las tendencias del año para adaptar mis propias ideas. Por cierto, este año es el de la orquídea radiante. Lo veremos muchísimo en telas, accesorios, cojines, decoración….

Para hacer los patrones, hasta ahora estoy comprando un vestido de la talla escogida. Ahora estamos haciendo de la 92; pero voy siempre justa. Por ello, he decidido comprar el especial burda Burda Kids Sewing Pattern 9447 – Dress Sizes: 2-7 Years   que es lo más parecido a un patrón base que he encontrado hasta el momento para trajes de niña.

Para patrones de adulto, una ayuda inestimable son las tablas de medidas de como cubrir un cuerpo.

Esta es mi lista de tiendas online preferidas, tanto para ir a comprar, como para inspirar mis ideas:

Os dejo un enlace también a mi  pinterest con las ideas que voy seleccionando para hacer.

Super útil: un vídeo que nos enseña a poner snaps o broches de presión con martillo y con precisión.




costura, niños , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Letras de canciones para niños en Inglés

jueves, 2 de enero de 2014

1.-Hello teacher how are you

Hello teacher, how are you?
Hello teacher, how are you?
Hello teacher, how are you?
How are you today?

I'm all right, thank you very much.
I'm all right, thank you very much.
I'm all right, thank you very much.
I'm all right, today

2.-Little Kittens

1 little, 2 little, 3 little kittens,
4 little, 5 little, 6 little kittens,
7 little, 8 little, 9 little kittens,
10 little kittens more

3.-Music Man

I am a music man, I come from london town and I can play
What can you play?
I can play a violin

I am a music man, I come from london town and I can play
What can you play?
I can play a saxophone

I am a music man, I come from london town and I can play
What can you play?
I can play a clarinet

I am a music man, I come from london town and I can play
What can you play?
I can play a piano


Brother thumb, Rubber thumb.
Where are you? Where are you?
Here I am, Here I am.
How are you? How are you?
I'm fine, thanks. I'm fine,  thanks

Cousin pointer, Cousin pointer.
Where are you? Where are you?
Here I am, Here I am.
How are you? How are you?
I'm fine, thanks. I'm fine,  thanks

Sister tall, Sister tall.
Where are you? Where are you?
Here I am, Here I am.
How are you? How are you?
I'm fine, thanks. I'm fine,  thanks

Cousin ring, Cousin ring
Where are you? Where are you?
Here I am, Here I am.
How are you? How are you?
I'm fine, thanks. I'm fine,  thanks

Baby small, Baby small
Where are you? Where are you?
Here I am, Here I am.
How are you? How are you?
I'm fine, thanks. I'm fine,  thanks

Fingers all, fingers all,
Where are you? Where are you?
Here I am, Here I am.
How are you? How are you?
I'm fine, thanks. I'm fine,  thanks

5.-Old mac donalds

Old mc donalds had a farm, eieio.
And on his farm he had a cow, eieio.
With the moo-moo here, with the moo-moo there.
With the moo-moo here, with the moo-moo there
Here moo-moo, there moo-moo, Everywhere  moo-moo
Old mc donalds had a farm, eieio.

Old mc donalds had a farm, eieio.
And on his farm he had a duck, eieio.
With the cueck-cueck here, with the  cueck-cueck there.
With the  cueck-cueck here, with the  cueck-cueck there
Here Cueck, there Cueck, Everywhere  cueck-cueck
Old mc donalds had a farm, eieio.

Old mc donalds had a farm, eieio.
And on his farm he had a pig, eieio.
With the oink-oink here, with the  oink-oink there.
With the  oink-oink here, with the  oink-oink there
Here oink, there oink, Everywhere  oink-oink
Old mc donalds had a farm, eieio.

6.-This is the way I go to school

This is the way I go to school, go to school, go to school.
 This is the way I go to school, go to school, go to school.
 This is the way I go to school, every monday morning.
This is the way I paint a paper, paint a paper, paint a paper.
 This is the way I paint a paper, paint a paper, paint a paper.
 This is the way I paint a paper, every monday morning.
This is the way I cut with scissors, cut with scissors, cut with scissors.
 This is the way I cut with scissors, cut with scissors, cut with scissors.
 This is the way I cut with scissors, every monday morning.
This is the way I say goodbye, say goodbye, say goodbye.
 This is the way I say goodbye, say goodbye, say goodbye.
 This is the way I say goodbye, every monday morning.

7.-Old McDonald – Other version

Old mc donalds had a farm, eieio.
And on his farm he had a cow, eieio.
With the moo-moo here, with the moo-moo there.
moo-moo here,moo-moo there.
Here moo, there moo, Everywhere  moo-moo
Old mc donalds had a farm, eieio.

Old mc donalds had a farm, eieio.
And on his farm he had a pig, eieio.
With the oink-oink here, with the  oink-oink there.
Here oink, there oink, Everywhere  oink-oink
moo-moo here,moo-moo there.
Here moo, there moo, Everywhere  moo-moo
Old mc donalds had a farm, eieio.

Old mc donalds had a farm, eieio.
And on his farm he had a duck, eieio.
With the cueck-cueck here, with the  cueck-cueck there.
Here Cueck, there Cueck, Everywhere  cueck-cueck
With the oink-oink here, with the  oink-oink there.
Here oink, there oink, Everywhere  oink-oink
moo-moo here,moo-moo there.
Here moo, there moo, Everywhere  moo-moo
Old mc donalds had a farm, eieio.

Old mc donalds had a farm, eieio.
And on his farm he had a horse, eieio.
With the neigh-neigh here, with the  neigh-neigh there.
Here neigh, there neigh, Everywhere  neigh- neigh
With the cueck-cueck here, with the  cueck-cueck there.
Here Cueck, there Cueck, Everywhere  cueck-cueck
With the oink-oink here, with the  oink-oink there.
Here oink, there oink, Everywhere  oink-oink
moo-moo here,moo-moo there.
Here moo, there moo, Everywhere  moo-moo
Old mc donalds had a farm, eieio.


Red and yellow and pink and green. Purple and orange and blue.
I can sing  a rainbow, sing a rainbow, sing a rainbow, too.
Listen with your eyes, Listen with your eyes,
And sing everything you see.
Now you can sing a rainbow, sing a rainbow, sing a rainbow, too.

Red and yellow and pink and green. Purple and orange and blue.
I can sing  a rainbow, sing a rainbow, sing a rainbow, too.
Listen with your eyes, Listen with your eyes,
And sing everything you see.
Now you can sing a rainbow, sing a rainbow, sing a rainbow, too.

9.-Row your boat

Row, row, row your boat,
Gently down the stream.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily,
Life is but a dream.

Row, row, row your boat,
Gently down the stream.
If you see a crocodile, 
don't forget to scream.

Row, row, row your boat,
Gently down the stream.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily,
Life is but a dream.
Row, row, row your boat,
Gently down the stream.
If you see a crocodile, 
don't forget to scream.

10.- Tea pot

I'm a little teapot, Short and stouts
Here is my handle, Here is my spout
When I get all steamed up, Hear me shout
Just Tip me over and pour me out

I'm a cabin teapot, Yes, It's true
Here's an example of what I can do
I can change my handle to my spout
Just Tip me over and pour me out

I'm a little teapot, Short and stouts
Here is my handle, Here is my spout
When I get all steamed up, Hear me shout
Just Tip me over and pour me out


11.- Weather

What’s the weather, What’s the weather
Like today, like today
look outside the window, look outside the window,
Can you say, Can you say.

It’s a sunny, it’s a sunny, sunny day, sunny day
Go out in the sunshine
play play play

Its a cloudy,Its a cloudy, cloudy day, cloudy day
Better get the sweater, Better get the sweater
It is cold, it is cold

Its a windy,Its a windy, windy day, windy day
let’s go fly a kite now, let’s go fly a kite now
Flight it high,Flight it high,

its a rainy, its a rainy, rainy day, rainy day
Better get a raincoat,Better get a raincoat
It’s all wet, It’s all wet

It’s a snowy, it’s a snowy, snowy day, snowy day
Get your coat and mittens
Get your coat and mittens
Burr, burr, burr, burr, burr, burr

What’s the weather, What’s the weather
Like today, like today
look outside the window, look outside the window,
Can you say, Can you say.

12.- The wheels on the bus

The wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round,round and round.
The wheels on the bus go round and round, all day long

The horn on the bus goes beep, beep, beep. beep, beep beep. beep, beep, beep.
The horn on the bus goes beep, beep, beep. All day long

The wipers on the bus go swish, swish, swish. swish, swish, swish. swish, swish, swish.
The wipers on the bus go swish, swish, swish. All day long

The baby on the bus goes waa, waa, waa. waa, waa, waa. waa, waa, waa.
The baby on the bus goes waa, waa, waa. All day long

The bell on the bus goes tink, tink, tink. Tink, tink, tink. Tink, tink, tink.
The bell on the bus goes tink, tink, tink. All day long

The wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round,round and round.
The wheels on the bus go round and round, all day long

13.- ABC

A - B - C - D - E - F - G
H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P
Q - R - S - T - U and V,
W - X - Y and Z
Now I know my A - B - C's
Next time won't you sing with me?

A - B - C - D - E - F - G
H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P
Q - R - S - T - U and V,
W - X - Y and Z
Now I know my A - B - C's
Next time won't you sing with me?

14.- Head shoulders

Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes.
Head, shoulders, knees and toes,
Knees and toes.
And eyes, and ears, and mouth, And nose.
Head, shoulders, knees and toes, Knees and toes.

15.- Little Monkeys

Five little monkeys jumping on the bed
One fell off and bumped his head
Mama called the doctor,
And the doctor said
No more monkeys jumping on the bed

Four little monkeys jumping on the bed
One fell off and bumped his head
Mama called the doctor
And the doctor said,
No more monkeys jumping on the bed

Three little monkeys jumping on the bed
One fell off and bumped his head
Mama called the doctor
And the doctor said,
No more monkeys jumping on the bed

Two little monkeys jumping on the bed
One fell off and bumped his head
Mama called the doctor
And the doctor said,
No more monkeys jumping on the bed

One little monkey jumping on the bed
One fell off and bumped his head
Mama called the doctor
And the doctor said,
No more monkeys jumping on the bed

16.- If you are happy

If you're happy and you know it clap your hands. (clap clap)
If you're happy and you know it clap your hands.(clap clap)
If you're happy and you know it then your face will surely show it.
If you're happy and you know it clap your hands.(clap clap).

If you're happy and you know it tap your toes. (clap clap)
If you're happy and you know it tap your toes.(clap clap)
If you're happy and you know it then your face will surely show it.
If you're happy and you know it tap your toes.(clap clap). 

If you're happy and you know it nod your head. (clap clap)
If you're happy and you know it nod your head.(clap clap)
If you're happy and you know it then your face will surely show it.
If you're happy and you know it nod your head.(clap clap). 

If you're happy and you know it clap your hands. (clap clap)
If you're happy and you know it clap your hands.(clap clap)
If you're happy and you know it then your face will surely show it.
If you're happy and you know it clap your hands.(clap clap)

17.- Hickory dickory dock

Have you heard about the mouse that run on the clock?
Hickory Dickory Dock. The mouse  run up the clock
The clock strike one, the mouse went down,
Hickory Dickory Clock. Tick, Tock

18.- The Laughing policeman

I know a fat old policeman, he's always on our street
Fat jolly red-fasced man, he really is a treat
He's too kind for a policeman, he's never known to frown
And everybody says he is the happiest man in town.

He laughs upon point duty, he laughs upon his beat
He laughs at everybody while he's walking down the street
He never can stop laughing, he says he never tried
Well, once he did arrest a man, and laughed until he cried

He jolly face it wrinkled and then he shut his eyes
He opened his great mouth, it was a wondrous size
He said I must arrest you, but he didn't know what for
And then he started laughing until he cracked his jaw

So if you chance to meet him, when walking round the town
Just shake him by his fat old hand and give him half a crown
His eyes will beam and sparkle, he'll gurgle wth delight
And he'll start in laughing with all his blessed might.

19.- Walking, Walking

Walking, Walking.Walking, Walking
Hop, hop, hop. Hop
Running, Running, Running
Now lets stop
Tiptoe, Tiptoe. Tiptoe, Tiptoe
Jump, jump,  jump. Jump, jump,  jump, 
swimming, swimming, swimming. swimming, swimming, swimming
Now let's sleep. Now let's sleep.

20.- Dinasour

A dinasour family. Is dancing in my bedroom. 
A dinasour family, sister, uncle, aunts, brother, mum and dad.
Dancing dinos. Dancing dinos. Dancing dinos. Dancing dinos. 
Stomp your feet on the floor.

21.- Everybody

Everybody put your shoes on, come on over Bring a friend.
Everybody put your hat  on, come on over. Let's begin
Come to my party, my party. We're singing, and dancing
My party, my party. We're singing, and dancing
Let's dance

Everybody put your shoes on, come on over Bring a friend.
Everybody put your hat  on, come on over. Let's begin
Come to my party, my party. We're singing, and dancing
My party, my party. We're singing, and dancing
Let's dance

22.- Bath tub singer

Put two yellow ducks in the tub. Cueck
Put two purple fish in the tub. Glup
One foot in, then the other.
One foot in, then the other.
Use the soap, and not a water

Bath tub singer, wash your face
Bath tub singer, wash your legs
Bath tub singer, wash your hair
Soap and dust and fish

23.- Hello Friends!

Hello friends, how are you?
Hello, hi, hello
Hello friends, how are you?
Time to start a show. Let’s go, go, go

Hello, hi, hello my friends!
Hello, hi, hello
Hello, hi, hello my friends!
Hello, hi. Hello, hi.Hello, hi.Hello, hi.Hello, hi.Hello, hi.


Fiesta, niños , , , , , , , , , ,